Law of Returns to Scale
When both the inputs become variable, and the change in both the inputs affects the change in the output and, correspondingly, the size of the firm changes, then it is known as the law of returns to scale. It is a long-run phenomenon where the supply of both labour and capital is elastic.
When both labour and capital are increased proportionately or simultaneously, then there are possibly three ways in which output can be increased.
- Output may increase more than proportionately to an increase in inputs
- Output may increase proportionately to an increase in inputs
- Output may increase less than proportionately to an increase in inputs
Correspondingly, there are three types of returns to scale.
1). When Output increases more than proportionately to an increase in inputs, then it is known as increasing returns to scale. For example, if labour and capital both increase by 50% and correspondingly the output increases by more than 50%, then it is known as the increasing returns to scale. Consider Figure 1:

As has been shown in the above diagram, 10 units of output (depicted by IQ1) are produced using one unit of labour and capital, but when the labour and capital were doubled, i.e. to 2 units each, then the output (depicted by IQ2) increased more than double, i.e. to 25 units.
Similarly, when the labour and capital were again increased by one more unit, then the output (depicted by IQ3) was increased to 50 instead of 30 units.
Increasing returns of scale happen because of the economies of scale. Following are the different types of economies of scale which lead to increasing returns of scale in a production process:
● Technical and managerial indivisibility: Since it is difficult to divide any machine or technique in fractions, therefore there is always a minimum amount of employment, machine and technique which are required for the production and which are indivisible in nature. When these inputs are increased, then they increase the production exponentially and hence increasing returns to scale take place.
● Higher degree of specialization: When the labour is specialized for a particular production technique/ process, then its productivity increases, leading to an increase in the output per labour. This leads to increasing returns to scale.
● Dimensional relations: For example, when the size of a room (15’ × 10’ = 150 sq. ft.) is doubled to 30’ × 20’, the area of the room is more than doubled, i.e., 30’ × 20’ = 600 sq. ft. When the diameter of a pipe is doubled, the flow of water is more than doubled. Following this dimensional relationship, when the labour and capital are doubled, the output is more than doubled over some level of output.
2). When Output increases proportionately to an increase in inputs, then it is known as constant returns to scale. For example, if labour and capital both increase by 50% and correspondingly, the output also increases by 50%, then it is known as constant returns to scale. Consider Figure 2:

As has been shown in the above diagram, 10 units of output (depicted by IQ1) are produced using one unit of labour and capital, but when the labour and capital were doubled, i.e. to 2 units each, then the output (depicted by IQ2) also doubled, i.e. to 20 units. Similarly, when the labour and capital were again increased by one more unit, then the output (depicted by IQ3) was increased to 30.
The constant returns to scale happen because there is a limit on economies of scale. When economies of scale disappear, and diseconomies are yet to begin, the returns to scale become constant. The diseconomies arise mainly because of decreasing efficiency of management and scarcity of certain inputs. Moreover, constant returns of scale appear when the factors of production are perfectly homogeneous, like the Cobb- Douglas production function.
3). When Output increases less than proportionately to an increase in inputs, then it is known as decreasing returns to scale. For example, if labour and capital both increase by 50% and correspondingly the output increases by 30%, then it is known as decreasing returns to scale. Consider Figure 3:

As has been shown in the above diagram, 10 units of output (depicted by IQ1) are produced using one unit of labour and capital, but when the labour and capital were doubled, i.e. to 2 units each, then the output (depicted by IQ2) did not double, i.e. it increases to 18 units instead of 20 units and so on.
Decreasing returns to scale happens because of diseconomies of scale. Mainly, when there are managerial diseconomies and the size of the firm expands, managerial efficiency decreases, causing a decrease in the rate of increase in output.
Moreover, when the natural resources exhaust nature, then also decreasing returns of scale appear. For instance, if the coal mines are doubled, then it may be possible that the coal production would not be doubled; rather, it just increases by less than double because of the limitedness of the coal deposits or difficult accessibility to coal deposits.
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