Preference Shocks, Adverse Selection & Central Bank
Introducing heterogeneous intermediaries suggests a multiplicity of roles for a centralized institution with respect to monitoring the values of key economic variables. The outcome under such circumstances is under-investment.
Given that the abstractions of asymmetric information as well as illiquidity of longer-term investments represent, in reality, asymmetric knowledge of the quality of a continuum of assets in overall bank portfolios.
Making realistic connections to existing institutions and policies requires further enrichment of modelling to incorporate intertemporal and portfolio tradeoffs along with market and non-market contracting in assets and liabilities. A non-market entity acts as the planner that solves the second-best risk-sharing problem since both the problems of ex-post-state revelation and ex-ante moral hazard have to be dealt with.
The ex-ante optimum defined in the model cannot be attained by unfettered strategic interactions across privately motivated agents. Only a welfare-maximizing agent such as the Central Bank acting subject to resource and incentive constraints but with ex-ante commitment will suffice.
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