NCERT Pointer History Class-9 Chapter-6

NCERT History Summary Class-9 Chapter-6: Peasants and Farmers

The Time Of Open Fields And Common Land In England:

Benefits of Common Land:

Wool Production and Enclosures:

New Enclosures for Grain Production:

The Age of Enclosures:

Innovation In Agriculture:

Effect of Enclosures on the Poor:

The Introduction of Threshing Machines:

Protest and Government Actions:

Bread Basket Of The World:

The Westward Move of White Americans and Wheat Cultivation:

Displacement of Local Tribes and Settlement:

The Wheat Farmers of USA:

The Coming of New Technology:

Effect of New Technology on the Poor:

USA Became Dust Bowl:

The Trade With China:

Opium as a Medium of Exchange:

Opium Cultivation in India:

Unwilling Cultivators Made to Produce Opium:

Monopoly and Conflict Over Opium Trade:


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