NCERT Pointer History Class-9 Chapter-5

NCERT History Summary Class-9 Chapter-5: Pastoralists in the Modern World

Movement Of Pastoral Nomads In Mountains:

Gujjar Bakarwals:

Mandaps of Ringal:

Gaddi Shepherds:

Movement of Gaddi Shepherds:

On The Plateaus, Plains And Deserts:


Movement Of Pastoral Nomads On The Plateaus, Plains And Deserts:

Banjara Tribes:


Maru Raikas:

Camel Fairs:

Factors that Contributed to the Movement of Pastoralists:

Colonial Rule And Pastoral Life:

Wasteland Rules and Forest Acts:

Criminal Tribes Act:

The imposition of Grazing Tax:

Report by the Royal Commission on Agriculture:

Effects of Colonial Changes on the Lives of Pastoralists:

Ways by which Pastoralists Cope with the Changes Pastoralists coped up with the changes in a variety of ways:

Pastoralism In Africa:

The life of Maasai Community:

Effects of Colonial Ryle on Naassi Community Maasais Lost their Grazing Lands:

They lost their grassing lands in the following ways:

Effect of Closed Borders on Pastoralists:

Effect of Dried Pastures on Maasais:

Rituals to become Maasai Warrior:

Kaokoland Herders of Namibia:


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