NCERT Pointer History Class-6 Chapter-3
NCERT History Summary Class-6 Chapter-3: From Gathering to Growing Food
● Farming developed as a consequence of the world’s climate change. People observed plants and how they grow. Gradually, they also started growing crops.
● People also started taming animals. The dog was the first animal to be tamed. Animals like sheep, goats, and cattle were also tamed, and so people became herders.
● Grains were used as seeds, as food, and also as gifts. Humans stored them.
● Animals were also ‘stored’ since they can serve as a milk source and provide meat. So, animals were used as a ‘store’ of food.
● The period of history after about 10,000 years ago is called the Neolithic Age. Mortars, pestles and other tools of the Neolithic age have also been found.
● People grew cotton by this time, and so weaving of clothes had begun.
● Many farmers and herders lived in groups, which were known as Tribes. They followed certain customs and practices.
● Mehrgarh was situated in a fertile plain near the Bolan Pass. Here, people learnt to grow barley and wheat. It is one of the earliest villages.
● Different plants grow in different conditions. Different animals also prefer different environments.
● Some sites have given evidence of farmers and herders. Plant remains and animal bones have been found and studied.
● Archaeologists have found traces of huts or houses at some sites. Pit-houses were built by digging into the ground.
● On excavation, levels are found which indicate chronology (order of events).
● In Mehrgarh, remains of houses have been found. They had four or more compartments. Several burial sites have been found in Mehrgarh.
●Stone tools, a stone called jadeite, etc., have been found in DaojaliHading near the Brahmaputra Valley.
● Domestication: The taming of animals for various purposes is called Domestication.
● Fossil Wood: Ancient wood that has hardened into stone is called Fossil Wood.
● Levels: Layers of a mound formed by various waste materials over hundreds of years, are called Levels.
● Neolithic Age: The part of history after about 10,000 years ago is called the Neolithic Age.
● Tribes: Many farmers and herders lived in groups, which are called Tribes.
● About 12,000 years ago: the beginning of Domestication.
● About 10,000 years ago: the beginning of the Neolithic Age.
● About 8,000 years ago: the beginning of settlement at Mehrgarh.
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