NCERT Pointer History Class-12 Chapter-9

NCERT History Summary Class-12 Chapter-9: Kings and Chronicles The Mughal Courts

The Mughals and Their Empire:

Different Chronicles of Mughals:

The Paintings of Mughal Period:

Historical Text of Mughals: Akbar Nama and the Badshah Nama:

The Ideal Kingdom of Mughal Empire:

Capitals and Courts of the Mughals:

The Mughal Household:

The Officials in Mughal Administration:

Jesuit Missionaries in the Mughal Court:

Akbar’s Quest for Religion:

Important terms:

  • Chronicles: It is a continuous chronological record of events.
  • Manuscript: The handwritten records.
  • Divine theory of kingship: The king was believed as the representative of god, acquired his powers from him and therefore had to be obeyed.
  • Sulh-i-kul: It is state policy of religious tolerance.
  • Jizya: A tax imposed on non-muslims in lieu of military service.
  • Mansabdar: All royal officers were known as mansabdars.
  • Chahar taslim: A form of salutation to the emperor which is done four times.
  • Tajwiz: A petion presented to the emperor by a nobleman recommending an application to the post of a mansabdar.


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