NCERT Pointer History Class-12 Chapter-10

NCERT History Summary Class-12 Chapter-10: Colonialism and the Countryside: Exploring Official Archives

Bengal and the Zamindars:

The Problem of Unpaid Revenue:

Reasons for Non-Payment by Zamindars:

Limitations Imposed on Zamindars by the Company:

The Rise of The Jotedars in Villages:

The Resistance of the Zamindars:

The Fifth Report and its Impact on Zamindars:

The Accounts of Buchanan:

Pastoral Areas of Bengal:

In the Hills of Rajmahal:

The Santhals became Settlers:

The Revolt in Bombay Deccan:

A New Revenue System Started:

Revenue Demand and Peasant Debt:

The Experience of Injustice of the Peasants:

The Deccan Riot’s Commission and its Report:

Cotton and its Global Condition:

Important terms:


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