NCERT Pointer Geography Class-9 Chapter-6

NCERT Geography Summary Class-9 Chapter-6: Population

The three aspects concerned with population are as follows:

Population Size And Distribution:

India’s Population Size and Distribution by Numbers:

NCERT- Distribution of Population in India

India’s Population Distribution by Density:

On the basis of population density Inhale Country is divided into three regions:

Population Growth And Processes Of Population Change:

Population Growth:

Population Growth Rate Since Independence:

Processes of Population Change/Growth:

Birth Rate:

Death Rate:

The trend of Population Growth Due to Birth Rate and Death Rate:


Migration Pattern in India:

Characteristics Or Qualities Of The Population:

Age Composition:

Dependent Population:

Sex Ratio:

Literacy Rate:

Occupational Structure:

The Pattern of the Working Population:


Adolescent Population:

National Population Policy:

NPP 2000 and Adolescents:


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