Concept of Stress and Strain in Rocks
Understanding the concept of stress and strain is mandatory to comprehend different types of crustal deformations. For a layman, stress may denote an activity related to pushing and pulling. Similarly, strain is considered as deformation in the form of bending, breaking, and stretching. But technically, both terms have a deeper meaning. Let us understand the meaning of stress and strain in the context of geomorphology.
We know that force (F) is a definable vector quantity that changes or tends to produce a change in the body’s motion (Billings, 2016). Since the force is defined by its magnitude and direction (vector quantity), it may be expressed by an arrow. In structural geology, a force applied to material that tends to change the material’s dimension is called stress.

The Figure shows that in mathematics, the Stress is represented by the σ meaning sigma, defined as the force (F) per unit area (A), or σ = F/A. Therefore, we can consider stress as the intensity of force or a measure of how intense a force is. The effect of stress on rocks or any other material is called strain. Therefore, the strain represents deformation caused by stress. The deformation can be in the form of dilation and distortion:
- Dilation: The figure shows that the Strain resulted in a volume change called dilation.

- Distortion: On the other hand, the figure shows that the distortion denotes a change in form, volume, or both.

There are three types of stress, i.e.,
- Tensional,
- Compressional, and
- Shear.

Tensional Stress:
It is clear from plate tectonics that tensional stress is produced along the divergent plate boundary. The following diagram can show it. The diagram shows that a rectangular rock body is under tension when subjected to external forces that tend to pull it apart. It is a stretching stress that can potentially increase a material’s volume.

Compressional Stress:
The Plate tectonic theory reveals that convergent boundaries create compressional stress. The figure shows that a rectangular rock body is said to be under compression when it is subjected to external forces that tend to compress it. Therefore, compression tends to decrease the volume of the material but under certain conditions or up to a certain limit.

Shear Stress:
In the case of transform plate boundaries, shear stress is produced. The figures show that shear stress changes the shape of the rock material.

Strength of Rocks
It is also important to note that rupturing, distortion of rocks or deformation also depends on the strength of the rock. The laboratory test reveals that rocks respond to compression, shear, and tensile strength. Accordingly, we classify the rock material as brittle and ductile.

In this regard, it is important to note that rocks may break under less pressure conditions at the surface under intense tensional or compressional stress.

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